Can Your Period be Saved?

For many women, the thought of having a normal period seems so unrealistic that they've given up trying to fix it.  By spending a little time telling us about yourself and your cycle, we can tell you what's going on inside and recommend ways to get relief.

Before we dig in, we need a little information.

When it comes to your period, what is your biggest concern and why?
Thank you for sharing.  And right now, what are you doing to get relief?
Check all that apply.
What else are you doing to get relief?
What is your experience with Vitamins and Supplements?
TIP:  This helps us understand what information you may find most useful.

Your Cycle Health

Your period is a barometer of your overall health.  Every sign and symptom gives us a ton of info about your period and your health.

From the start of one period to the next, how long is your menstrual cycle?
TIP: The length of your period tells us how well your liver is using your hormones.
Is your cycle the same length from month to month?
TIP: Cycle variability shows how well you produce and manage your hormones.
Not including spotting, your period lasts how long?
TIP: Bleeding length tells us about the quality and volume of your blood.
Do you have spotting before or during your cycle?

Your Hormone Health

One of the best measures of your hormonal health is your period. These next questions help us understand how effectively your liver can break down and eliminate your hormones.

Do you have pain or tenderness in your breasts or nipples before or during your period?
Do you get headaches or migraines before or during your period?
TIP: About 50% of migraines in women are menstrually related. Improving your overall cycle can often improve migraines.
Do you break out or get acne either before or during your period?
Does your mood tend to change before or during your period?
Do you tend to get dizzy or lightheaded either before or during your period?

Your Cramping and Pain

While 4 out of 5 women experience cramps, this doesn’t have to be “normal.” These questions will help us understand how bad your cramps are.

Do you get back or muscle pain before or during your period?
How painful are your menstrual cramps?
TIP: Cramps are telling us your body needs additional support to function optimally.
What color is your menstrual blood?
TIP: The color tells us about food quality and the ability to convert it into high-quality, iron-rich blood.
Do you have clotting during your period?
TIP: Clotting tells us your blood isn’t circulating optimally. By reducing clotting, pain and heavy bleeding may be reduced.
How long does it take to soak a pad or tampon or fill a menstrual cup?

Your Bloating & Digestion

When your body is stressed from poor hormone regulation, you can see it reflected in your digestion.

Do you get nausea or vomit before or during your period?
Before and during your period, what's your general energy level?
Before and during your period, do you get bloated?
TIP: Bloating means your digestive system is stressed as it prepares for your period. Improving your cycle and overall health will improve this symptom.
Do you get constipation or diarrhea before or during your cycle?
TIP:  From our database, these digestive issues are the single most common symptom suffered.
Do your bowel movements change before or during your period?
TIP: Sometimes your intestines are most sensitive to your hormonal changes.

Your Lifestyle & Mood

Tired, angry, sad, happy - sound familiar? When you can’t use and eliminate hormones, you see emotional and mood changes, indicating that your liver isn't functioning optimally.

What's your predominant mood before and during your period?
On average, how much sleep do you get each night?
TIP: Sleep is critical to a healthy period. If you’re not getting enough, that tells us about your overall health.
How stressed are you on a day-to-day basis?
TIP: Research shows that stress alone can significantly impact your menstrual cycle.
Do you suffer from anxiety or depression during your cycle?
TIP: Many mood disorders are made worse by the hormonal fluctuations associated with PMS.
How irritable are you before or during your period?

Generating expert recommendations from our medical team

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