For the following statements, please select a value from Strongly Agree (5 points) to Strongly Disagree (1 point).
The instructor was knowledgeable about the subject.
The instructor's energy and enthusiasm kept the participants actively engaged.
For the following statement, please select a value from Strongly Agree (5 points) to Strongly Disagree (1 point).
The virtual environment was conducive to learning.
For the following statements, please select a value from Strongly Agree (5 points) to Strongly Disagree (1 point).
The training materials provided were appropriate to my needs.
The examples presented helped me understand the content.
Learning Effectiveness
For the following statement, please select a value from Strongly Agree (5 points) to Strongly Disagree (1 point).
I learned new knowledge and skills from this training.
Job Impact
For the following statements, please select a value from Strongly Agree (5 points) to Strongly Disagree (1 point).
This training aligns with the business priorities and goals identified by my organization.
I will be able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in this class to my job.
Job Impact
For the following statement, please select the answer that best describes your experience.
What percent of new knowledge and skills learned from this program do you plan to apply directly to your job? Check only one.
Job Impact
For the following statement, please select the answer that best describes your experience.
How critical are the knowledge and skills you learned in this training to your success on the job (0% = not at all, 100% = extremely critical)?
Job Impact
For the following statement, please select the answer that best describes your experience.
How much of your total work time requires the knowledge and skills learned in this training? Please check only one.
Business Results
For the following statement, please select a value from Strongly Agree (5 points) to Strongly Disagree (1 point).
This training will improve my job performance.
Business Results
For the following statement, please select the answer that best describes your experience.
Given all factors, including this training, how much do you expect your job performance related to the course subject matter to improve in the next 12 months?
Business Results
For the following statement, please select the answer that best describes your experience.
Based on your response to the prior question, how much of the improvement will be a direct result of this training?
Business Results
For the following statement, please select the answers that best describe your experience.
This training will have a significant impact on: (check all that apply)
Return on Investment
For the following statement, please select a value from Strongly Agree (5 points) to Strongly Disagree (1 point).
This training was a worthwhile investment in my career development.
Return on Investment
For the following statement, please select a value from Strongly Agree (5 points) to Strongly Disagree (1 point).
How likely are you to recommend this training to a colleague?