Does your preschool or school-age child’s bedtime routine need improvement? Does it take you a long time to get your preschool or school-age child to sleep at bedtime? Do you often find yourself talking to other parents or searching the internet for ways to help your child get the sleep he or she needs?

Some parents think that the term “sleep training” only applies to infants and toddlers, but many preschool and school-age children would benefit from some help to improve their sleep, too.

Take my 12 question quiz to find out if your child’s bedtime routine could be improved and I will send you some tips on how you can help your child become a better sleeper.

Does your child get less sleep than he or she needs because the bedtime routine takes so long?
Does your child get energetic, difficult to manage or “worked up” around bedtime?
Does your child stall or fight going to sleep at bedtime?
Does your child complain of feeling sick at bedtime (when he or she seemed fine just beforehand)?
Does your child become clingy or tearful at bedtime?
Does your child tell you that he or she is hungry at the very end of the bedtime routine?
Does your child find lots of creative reasons to call you back to his or her room after the bedtime routine is over for a cup of water, another hug, or just “one more thing?”
Does your child come out of his or her room to find you again after the bedtime routine is over?

Do you frequently lie down or stay in the room with your child to get him or her to sleep?

Are you afraid to set limits at bedtime because your child might disturb siblings or other family members?
Do you ever find yourself yelling or becoming upset at bedtime despite your best intentions?
Do you ever let your child stay up very late or fall asleep in your bed (or in the living room) to avoid bedtime battles?
* Email Address
* First Name
* Last Name
Number of children
Age of children
Who puts your child to bed?

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