Am I an Introvert or Extrovert?

Welcome to the Am I an Introvert or Extrovert assessment. In this assessment, you will be asked to answer 10 questions which will help determine where you fall on the introvert-extrovert scale. 

For each question, select the option which reflects most how you see yourself, not how you would like to be seen.

Try not to overanalyze the question. Your initial response is usually the most valid.

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Last Name
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Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

Choose the statement that reflects you most.

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