Is your team performing at its peak?

Do you ever feel:

  • Disappointed by not achieving the results your team is truly capable of
  • Unconfident or uninspired by how your people fit within their roles or with each other
  • Stressed or frustrated with people not seeing or acting on the big picture vision


Want to fix it? Want to kill it on your performance?

Then it’s time to dive in and understand your team. 


Let’s begin!


1. Our people would say we have a strong culture.
2. We easily attract and retain top talent.

3. Our people would say we have excellent communication.

4. Our people would say roles and responsibilities are clear.

5. Our people would say they trust their team members.

6. Our people don’t shy away from a disagreement when it comes to making the right decision for the company.

7. We have the right people in the right seats to accomplish our goals.

8. We have repeatable systems in place.
9. Anyone on the team can take a vacation and things still run smoothly.

10. Honestly, it feels sort of like luck when we get things right. 

11. It’s easy to train new team members on how we do things.

12. We have documented policies and procedures.

13. We operate like a well-oiled machine.

14. We achieve consistent results.

15. Our people would say we have clear strategic priorities.

16. Our people would say we see projects through to completion.

17. We have and measure KPI’s.

18. People can easily state our company’s Mission, Vision, and big-picture goals.

19. We deploy resources according to our strategic initiatives.

20. Our people would say we have too much going on at once.

21. In a given quarter, we all know what our most important deliverables are.

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